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Merman Hoplite


With their towering shields, the Merman Hoplites form the elite guard of the watery realm. Their powerful armor and rigid discipline allow them to hold a steadfast line in the maelstrom of battle. In times of desperation, they can even do so on land, though not nearly as well as a creature with legs.

Athugasemd: Staðfesta þessarar einingar dregur úr meiðslum frá sumum árásum, enn bara þegar hún verst.


Eflist frá: Merman Warrior
Eflist í:
Kostnaður: 43
HP: 52
Hreyfing: 5
XP: 150
Level: 3
Stilling: réttmætur
IDMerman Hoplite
Hæfileikar: staðfastur

Árásir (damage - count)

15 - 2


(icon) eggvopn20% (icon) stungvopn30%
(icon) höggvopn20% (icon) eldur20%
(icon) kuldi30% (icon) yfirnáttúrulegt0%


Kostnaður Hreyfingar
(icon) Deep Water150%
(icon) Fjöll-0%
(icon) Flatlendi230%
(icon) Frost230%
(icon) Grunnt vatn160%
(icon) Hellir320%
(icon) Hólar530%
(icon) Kastali140%
(icon) Mýri160%
(icon) Sandur230%
(icon) Skógur530%
(icon) Sveppalundur320%
(icon) Árif270%
(icon) Ógengilegt-0%
(icon) Þorp140%